Have you watched TV or listened to the radio and heard an outrageous report about a celebrity or wanna-be acting out that made you think "their parents must be so proud." It never ceases to amaze me how often that happens lately. It seems that constantly someone is pushing the limits of decency trying to make a buck or have their 15 minutes of fame. "If that was my kid I'd smack the hell out of em" and set em straight often comes into my mind. But what if it was the other way around. What if it was your parent making the scene and you were around having to deal with the backlash. Or what if you weren't? I am so freakin tired of hearing what the hell Cindy Sheehan has to say about the war and about her son. And honestly, I really am curious what he would say about the war if he was still here. How would he feel about his mom's pursuit for fame (don't let the liberals fool you with this innocent mom bs, she's been a media whore ever since she came on the scene). GW hasn't been spotless in this war by far but he has done one hell of a job considering what he has been up against. And I think her son, given the facts, would agree with that. But unfortunately we have to listen to Cindy stand in the gap for him and share the true message of the departed. Cindy, give it a rest. And GW, if you head back to Crawford and see her standing there with her protest blocking your way... well, in the immortal words of some true heroes, "Let's Roll."
With foot on the accelerator,
"The Bear"
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